Bonus 2014 : key takeaways

We have examined 2014/2013 salary and bonus data from 1,514 bankers (M&A, Sales, Trading, Structuring, Equity/debt capital markets, Leveraged & HY Origination) in London


  • Senior bankers benefit from most of the uptick in base salaries: althgouh base salaries rose or remained unchanged across all titles in 2014, MDs come out on top with a 19% yoy rise
  • Bonuses also sustantially higher across the board in 2014: on average, bonuses were up 20% on 2013, and as much as +60% at VP evel
  • Analysts are not sharing in the joy: with static base salaries, and a 50% decline in bonuses, Analysts stand out as the only ones with a total compensation showing a sharp decrease

In line with the market's expectations ahead of the EU regulation on bonus caps, senior bankers? salaries are being pushed up substantially. This trend is likely to continue in 2015 with base salaries representing an increasingly larger ratio of total compensation.

TitleBase Salary 2013BonusBase Salary 2014Bonus




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